Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The rats are coming...

So, this is what I'm doing:

I've decided to put together a blog tracking daily progress of my joke ecommerce/email/WebDes project, Hoodyrats. So far, I've set up the mailchimp, and created a splash page with a signup form. Not much, but it's a start. The story behind it is this...

So, remember how Banksy pulled that really clever move and snuck a taxidermied rat wearing a backpack and sunglasses into the Museum of Natural history? Well, after they gave him (the rat) the boot, he decided he was tired of eating out of garbage cans and scaring people in the subway and wanted to cash in on his fame. So he got in touch with me and asked me to set up some ecommerce stuff for him, a small site, some emails... all of my favorite things! It's just a nice coincidence that I get to practice my favorite stuff. Hoody is a cool guy (er... rat?), and his name for the site, Hoodyrats, is pretty clever, too.

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