Monday, June 8, 2015


Today, I'm learning how to use ZURBink email template to make my emails bulletproof. I'm working on a welcome email for Hoodyrat. I got that all sorted out and now I'm learning how to use PHP to send emails. It's actually really easy!

For the email, I basically just mimicked the front splash page setup for Hoodyrat.Nothing too fancy, really. I set up ZURBink's template in a multi row format, using a multi-row variety of setups to make it happen. The splash page looks like this: 

And the email looks like this: 

It was actually really easy once I sat down and studied the ink classes and general setup. After fiddling around with the layout for a while, I finally settled on a double twelve-column row for the top (header image and the red bar), then a 3-6-3 layout for the middle column to get a nice, wide-but-squared setup for the main content and then used a 3-3-3-3 setup for the footer image. The test email I sent came from mailchimp, but I think from here on out, I'll be using my own server to send emails. Should be good fun to learn! I'd like to start using merge tags ASAP, but I guess that's a lesson for another day. I just received an email from Hoody stating his requests for the layout of the site, so onward to that!

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